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Irish Academy joins EADL, April Courses & Al Pacino

Published: Thursday, March 22, 2012

Irish Academy joins EADL, April Courses & Al Pacino

A really quick update for you. This month, the Academy was invited to join the prestigious European Association for Distance Learning (EADL). This body has member colleges in 22 European countries offering 5,000 distance-learning courses to 2.5 million students all over Europe.

There are also new PR courses starting this month in Longford (at Women's Link in the town) and Leitrim (in Carrick on Shannon). The next courses in Journalism, Event Management, PR and Grammar begin online on 12 April 2012.

The radio presenters course is on 14 April at Dublin City fm.

Hilary Johnson, a graduate of the Academy, has just interviewed Al Pacino on Click TV and not to mention the free Nature's Inspiration give-away! Check it all out on the website at www.irishacademy.com

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